Inside Systems Pty Ltd General Acceptable Use Policy and Terms of Service
The following statements pertain to all products and services offered by Inside Systems Pty Ltd:
Illegal Activity
Customer may only use Inside Systems Virtual Server Hosting for lawful purposes. Transmission of any material in violation of any Country, Federal, State or Local regulation is prohibited. To this effect, child pornography is strictly prohibited as well as housing any copyrighted information (to which the customer does not hold the copyright or an appropriate license) is prohibited. Also, using the Inside Systems Pty Ltd servers or network to conspire to commit or support the commission of illegal activities is forbidden.
Websites dedicated to the discussion of hacking activities or the distribution of hacking tools are prohibited. Also, the usage of Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s computer systems or network to access any system, service, or network without the owner’s consent is expressly forbidden.
Service Interruptions
Any activity which causes service interruptions to either Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s network/servers or any outside network. This includes, but is not limited to, the execution of Denial of Service attacks or other maliciously configured software.
Anonymous Proxies
Anonymous proxies are easily abused and often cause a negative impact on both the servers and the network they are connected to. As such, they’re prohibited on Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s network and servers.
Customer agrees to not have any content on their site that advocates, sells or in any way makes available tools or methods to send unsolicited e-mail or usenet postings (spam), or to use Inside Systems Pty Ltd servers for relaying unsolicited e-mail or usenet postings, or to use unsolicited e-mail or usenet postings to advertise for their site hosted at Inside Systems Pty Ltd. Any complaint we receive about a violation of this or the preceding two points will be taken very seriously and will result in immediate account cancellation without a refund.
Personal Information Harvesting
Collecting or using email addresses, screen names or other personal identifiers without the consent of the person identified (including, without limitation, phishing, Internet scamming, password robbery, spidering, and harvesting).
You agree that if the Inside Systems Pty Ltd IP numbers assigned to your account are listed on an abuse database or blacklist like Spamhaus, you will be in violation of this acceptable use policy, and Inside Systems Pty Ltd may take reasonable action to protect its IP numbers, including suspension and/or termination of your service, regardless of whether the IP numbers were listed as a result of your actions.
Investment sites
FOREX, egold exchange, etc. are prohibited.
Usage of the Inside Systems Pty Ltd network to impersonate another person or entity, be it through Email, Internet Forums, or any other means, is strictly prohibited. This includes spoofing email or network packet headers whether or not it is done for malicious purposes.
Customer agrees to not engage in activities pertaining to Black Hat SEO, Spamdexing, and so-called “Scraper sites.”
Any conduct that is likely to result in retaliation against Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s network or website, or Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s employees, officers or other agents, including engaging in behavior that results in any server being the target of a denial of service attack (DoS).
Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s liability for damages resulting from illegal activities (hacking, downtime due to hacking or DoS) are limited to best effort attempts to restore service as soon as possible. These efforts are undertaken at no cost to the customer. Customer is expected to maintain their own offline backups of the data hosted on Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s servers. Where Inside Systems Pty Ltd does not own the servers but are managing and/or operating the servers on behalf of the customer, customer is responsible for all recovery cost.
Bandwidth limitations
Inside Systems Pty Ltd’s service offers are fundamentally not bandwidth limited. However, should a single service experience network traffic that causes other services to slow down substantially, Inside Systems Pty Ltd reserves the right to shape network traffic accordingly so as to ensure all clients have equal access to low latency and high throughput connectivity.