DFDR – Digital Flight Data Recorder
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This is the first release of a Digital Flight Data Recorder for PSX. It’s rather basic at present and simply records a snapshot of all parameters in the beginning of the data recording and then records all parameters as they change and within the time frame of occurrence. The DFDR application is able to play back data recorder files, and you can pause/unpause the playback as it is progressing, thus enabling analysis of situations. This obviously is a long shot still from a DFDR application that also records events, reports events etc. I’ve still decided to make it available at this very early stage because I feel it is likely very useful when recording specific behaviour. The data files can then be shared with other people for comments/further analysis etc. By default, the .dfdrdata files are stored into the same directory where the jar is located. The filename is simply the timestamp of the current system time on your computer.
Operating instructions
Because this is not a fully functional software yet (hence an Alpha release), there are a few caveats:
- Always create a situ file for the current situation you want the recording to start at (i.e. either load an existing situ, then click the DFDR record button, or save the current situ by pressing the Event Rcd button, then click the start recording check box.
- Once you’re done recording, simply uncheck the “DFDR recording” check box.
- To play back a recording, click “Playback DFDR file”, the other functions should be self explanatory.
Release history
0.9.3 alpha
First release. Read caveats, only partially functional. Expires 31 May 2015